Community Recognition Spotlight
At the January 2021 meeting the Council discussed and decided to move the recognition every quarter.
Every quarter the Council will recognize a person, business, or organization for the many things they contribute to the City. Each quarter the City of Leon's governing body will present the recipient with a framed copy of the Resolution.
August 2021
This Quarter in the spotlight is USD 205 Bluestem Mercantile. USD 205 Bluestem Mercantile has successfully brought this business to Leon and is very active in the community. Its mission to continually support the community with its contribution and furnishing a need to everyone that walks thru the door has made it very successful. USD 205 Bluestem Mercantile provides a much needed space for our community and it provides the youth with much needed experience to help them thrive in their lives. Its innovative way of combining an everyday business with an educational purpose is paying off for everyone.
The Council presented USD 205 Bluestem Mercantile with Resolution 13-2021 recognizing its contributions to our community. Saturday August 21, 2021 has been declared USD 205 Bluestem Mercantile Day.
May 2021
This Quarter in the spotlight is Jewel Beaumont, owner and operator of Jewel's Ceranmics. Jewel Beaumont has had a successful business in Leon for over 47 years and is a very active community member. Her mission is to continually support the community with her contribution and her kindness. Jewel has contributed to the Harvest Home Festival and provided gifts for the citizen of the month for the PRIDE committee. She has volunteered with girl scouts and has helped the school by providing starter plants for their greenhouse. She continues to be a staple in the community.
The Council presented Jewel Beaumont, owner and operator of Jewel's Ceranmics with Resolution 04-2021 recognizing her and her contributions to our community. Saturday May 22, 2021 has been declared Jewel Beaumont and Jewel's Ceranmics Day.
January 2021
This month in the spotlight is Fleming Feed and Grain (Gick and Debbie Fleming). The Flemings have had a successful business in Leon for over 44 years. Gick and Debbie Fleming are very active contributors to many committess and causes in the community. Some of their accomplishments are their continued support of the USD 205 AG program along with currently owning and operating the Prairie House. They have helped organize the mural that was completed many years ago, the banners for the area business and even started the PRIDE committee in Leon. They continue to be a staple in the community.
The Council presented Fleming Feed and Grain (Gick and Debbie Fleming) with Resolution 01-2021 recognizing them and their contributions to our community. Saturday January 23, 2021 has been declared Fleming Feed and Grain day.
December 2020
Postponed until January's meeting.
November 2020
This month in the spotlight is Rogene Butts. Rogene has lived in Leon, Ks her whole 101 years. She was even born at home in Leon. Rogene assisted the City doctor with home birth delivery's in the 30's and 40's. She volunteered doing many blood drives and served on the election board helping with the elections. Rogene has voluteered as a Sunday School teacher for the Leon Christian Church and at the Senior Center for many years. She has the prettiest tulips in the City and always has a smile and a story for everyone.
The Council presented Rogene with Resolution 07-2020 recognizing her and her contributions to our community. Saturday November 21, 2020 has been declared Rogene Butts day.
October 2020
This month in the spotlight is Gary Thornton. He served his Country in the Navy and the Naval Reserves for over 26 years before he retired. Gary wrote a New York's best seller book titled Getting Closer. The Atomic Veterans Highway was nominated in his honor and he was featured on Larry Hatteburg's people. Gary served the community as a Police Reserve officer for over 12 years and served on the Council for 4 years helping get State funding for the new water wells and a new sewer system. Gary continues to help with metal detecting and locating things for the maintenance and other citizens.
The Council presented Gary with Resolution 06-2020 recognizing him and his contributions to our community. Saturday October 24, 2020 has been declared Gary Thornton day.
September 2020
This month in the spotlight is the late Mayor Mr. Gerald (Jerry) Schuetz. He served as Mayor for many years and also served on many different organizations within the City. The loss of Mayor Schuetz leaves a big hole in our community. Saturday September 19, 2020 has been declared Gerald (Jerry) Schuetz day.
The Council also presented the family of Mr. Gerald (Jerry) Schuetz with a plaque that will hang in the City office to remember the many achievements and accomplishments that he contributed to the community.