
The City of Leon Council acts as the legislative branch of our government and its policy-making body. The Council looks to the city's goals, major projects, and infrastructure improvements ranging from community growth to land use to finances and strategic planning. The Council's goal is to do the very best to represent their constituents after they've seen the city's needs as a whole.

The Governing Body consists of the mayor and five Council Members. The regular meeting of the Governing Body is held on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. In the event the regular meeting day falls on any legal holiday or any day observed as a holiday by the City Offices, the meeting will be held the next evening at 6:30 p.m. The Mayor and Council would like to encourage you to attend these meetings and participate in your local government. 

Members of the Council are elected for 4-year terms. Election for Council Members are held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in November of even-numbered years with alternating terms every 2 years, so 2 members are elected one year, then 3 are elected 2 years later. This ensures there should always be someone with experience on the Council.

Any person desiring to become a candidate for City office elected at large shall file with the county election officer before the filing deadline, established in K.S.A. 25-205, and amendments thereto, a declaration of candidacy on a form furnished by the county election officer as specified by the secretary of state. Each such filing shall be accompanied by a fee of $20 or…

Current council members are:

Kyle Combs-Council President

Kyle Hrabe-Councilmember

Harley Laughlin-Councilmember

Hank Boucher-Councilmember

Vacant Seat-Councilmember