
The responsibility of the City of Leon Mayor is to serve all citizens and business owners fairly and openly. A commitment to applying these principles in the most professional and timely manner possible is key in guiding our community through continued growth and success.

The Governing Body consists of the mayor and five Council Members. Its regular meeting is held on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. In the event the regular meeting day falls on any legal holiday or any day observed as a holiday by the City Offices, the meeting will be held the next at 6:30 p.m.

The Mayor and Council would like to encourage you to attend these meetings and participate in your local government. 

Mayor Semisch was appointed in January 2020 by K.S.A.  14-308 and took the oath of office on January 13, 2020, prior to the regular City Council meeting in January, due to having a case of diagnosed influenza. She is serving a four-year term. Mayor Semisch was elected in November 2023 to serve another four years. 

Some of the duties of the mayor are as follows:

  • Preside at all meetings of the Governing Body. When the members present are equally divided, the mayor shall have the tie-breaking vote on all questions.
  • Have superintending control of all officers and affairs of the city.
  • Take care that the ordinances of the city are complied with.
  • Sign the commissions and appointments of all officers elected or appointed.
  • Endorse the approval of the Governing Body on all official bonds. 
  • Communicate with the Council about information he or she may deem advisable.
  • Have the power to approve or veto any ordinance as the state's laws shall prescribe.
  • Sign all orders and drafts drawn upon the city treasury for money.

The current Mayor is: Kristina "Kris" Semisch 

Contact Info

Kristina Semisch

Mayor Semisch